About Us

Who we are

Thriving Communities Carlisle is a city-wide partnership, made up of:

  • Cumberland Council

  • Susie Tate Projects

  • Carlisle Healthcare

  • Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery

  • Cumbria Wildlife Trust

  • NCIC

As a partnership we collaborate with community centers across Carlisle to create social prescribing activities that will improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable adults.

The National Academy for Social Prescribing creatively explains what social prescribing is all about through Kamal Ellis-Hyman’s spoken-word poem.

What is Social Precribing?

NHS England defines social prescribing as a way to “connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support”.

The aim of Social Prescribing is to improve health and wellbeing by connecting people to support in their local community.

it plays a part in the NHS Long Term Plan, with the vision that 900,000 people will be referred through social prescribing pathways by 2023/2024. This commitment to social prescribing recognises the value of community-based activities and support alongside medical treatment as part of healthcare.